Sunflower Festival - Thailand  

Sunflower_FieldThe largest sunflower field is situation in Tambon Chong Sarika, Phatthana Nikom District, Lob Buri, Thailand. Away from Bangkok 30 kilometers along Lop Buri-Saraburi Road, then turn left into Highway No.21 and travel further for 15 kilometers. The sunflower field is located approximately 45 kilometers from Lop Buri the town.

The sunflowers are full blossom from November to January; attract tourists to visit Lop Buri-Saraburi. Tourist will see the largest sunflower field along the road, romantic for lovers. The characteristic of sunflower normally are facing the sunlight with its bouquet and leaf. The sunflower seed is the popular snack which is very yummy.

The attractive places near sunflower field are Khuen Pa Sak Cholasit and bee farm. Bee farm’s location is at Soi 24 Sai Tri, Mo 9 Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri, its center distributes information and knowledge on Bee cultivation in Thailand and they also sell honey. Afterwards Khuen Pa Sak Cholasit which is the biggest reservoir in Thailand. On November to January state railway of Thailand trip by train from Bangkok to Pa Sak Cholasit Dam every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. It is one day trip, start from Bangkok about 06.00 a.m. to Lop Buri and pass Khuen Pa Sak Cholasit.

How to go there

You can go to Lop Buri by car, bus and train. Especially the train because the train will pass Khuen Pa Sak Cholasit and pass sunflower field, more information trip by train contact state railway of Thailand tel:1690 or 0-2225-6964, 0-2621-8701# 5217

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