Long Live The King  

The king of Thailand Bhumibol AdulyadejThis Monday, 05 december, The king of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej celebrated his 78th birthday.

The king of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej Sunday urged the public to be wise and mindful in words and action.

In his customary birthday speech to the Thai public, the King clarified at length his statement that "the King can do no wrong."

"Whatever one does, one just has to be conscious of what one is thinking and doing, and thus trying not to make mistake... I myself have made mistakes a few times, because I have always been mindful.

The King said he occasionally criticized people, and sometimes his criticism was magnified out of proportion in press reports, much to their apprehension. In fact, he noted, he has hardly ever been critical of anyone.

"The truth is the more exposed one is to the public scrutiny, the easier one becomes the target of criticism. And it could be damaging to the public if one doesn't appreciate those points of criticism," said the King.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, now the world's longest-reigning monarch, was born on Dec. 5, 1927. He became the ninth king of the Chakri Dynasty in June 1946.

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