Climbing Railay - Krabi
written by Ken
at Wednesday, October 19, 2005
“Specific characteristic of climbing sport is coordination of body, mind and equipment which will train your for body fill firm, and make your mind equanimity, tolerance and discretion. You can find all of its from climbing sport”. Mr. Narin Ngamwong climbing guide of King Climbers schools, located in Railay in Southern Thailand close to Krabi said.
History Railay climbing
Community of mountaineer Railay had begun from power of young man in the located. Their names are King, Tax, Din, Luang, Pol and Jak. As they were the first young fishermen to train climbing from pioneer foreigner. After that they became the original pillar of Railay, they built lay the foundation of climbing. Afterwards they became the teacher for beginner. Some of them are the owner of climb equipment shop.
For traveler, if you want to climb in Railay, do not climb alone. You can find buddy from climbing shop and rent climbing equipment. In Railay has a climbing club, they give convenient for mountaineer such as safety and information.
All climbing shop in Railay is owned by Thai people but most of the customer is foreigner about 90-95 percent.
History Railay climbing
Community of mountaineer Railay had begun from power of young man in the located. Their names are King, Tax, Din, Luang, Pol and Jak. As they were the first young fishermen to train climbing from pioneer foreigner. After that they became the original pillar of Railay, they built lay the foundation of climbing. Afterwards they became the teacher for beginner. Some of them are the owner of climb equipment shop.Nowadays Railay Climbing
At present Railay has 6 shops is King Climbers, Taxrock Climbing, Krabi Rock climbing, cliff man, Hard rock and Rock shop. Every shop have climbing guide or Rattaman about 3-10 person by shop size. The duties of the climbing guides are leading to climb, helping, training for beginner and they will be buddy for lonely mountaineer.For traveler, if you want to climb in Railay, do not climb alone. You can find buddy from climbing shop and rent climbing equipment. In Railay has a climbing club, they give convenient for mountaineer such as safety and information.
All climbing shop in Railay is owned by Thai people but most of the customer is foreigner about 90-95 percent.