Firefly At Samut Songkhram Province  

When the tourist come to Samut Songkhram, central of Thailand about 72 kilometers from Bangkok. All most of them want to see firefly at night. But sometimes they are disappointed due to firefly don’t appear. This experience will not occur if the tourist prepares them self and information well. On holiday such as Saturday and Sunday it, have many tourists come so maybe the boats are not enough. Please contact boat supplier for advantage.
Firefly, Lightning bug
A small insect that produces flashes of light when it flies at night.

How to prepare your trip?

• Normal we can see firefly all year, but the best time to see is summer and rainy season, especially rainy season since May – October.
• The best time to see is in you can see the waning moon because light of firefly clearly and should be the period of flood tide since oarsman can oar boat near cork tree. Firefly often to hold on it.
• Sailing on the night time to see firefly along the river and canal. The oarsman should have skillful of route and know well where the firefly live.

How to go there?

If you want to see this firefly, you can go to Samut Songkhram province, central of Thailand by car, bus and train. It’s far from Bangkok 72 kilometers, located southwest of Bangkok more information tel: 0 3471 4881.

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