The Mu Koh Similan Phang-nga the Most Exciting Dive Spots in the Kingdom  

 The Mu Koh Similan Phang-ngaThe Mu Koh Similan, located near the Mu Koh Surin, have some of the most exciting dive spots in the kingdom. After a day spent in the water, you can retreat to the shore and enjoy stunning views of the islands and the horizon.

Location The Mu Koh Similan

The Similan Islands consist of nine separate land-masses. The hub of the Similan is on Koh Paed, lying seventy kilometers from Thab Lamu in the Phang-nga Province. When visiting these islands you should give yourself two to three days to fully enjoy all they have to offer.

Highlights The Mu Koh Similan Thailand Travel

Koh Paed: Koh Paed is the biggest of the nine islands. This is the location of the National Park Ranger Unit and has pristine beaches, water, and sand. A short walk up the hill will yield picturesque views of the surrounding islands. Koh Paed also has a restaurant and tent rentals supplied by the National Park personnel. If you decide to visit Koh Si, you can rent a long-tail boat from the beach to take you there.

Koh Si Thailand Travel

Koh Si, also called Koh Miang, is also part of the National Ranger. This large peaceful area has ample accommodations, restaurant, and camping at the rear of the island. In addition to its white-sand beaches, crystal-clear water and breathtaking sunsets, many visitor come to see the Nicobar Pigoen and Hairy Leg Mountain Crab, which are animals only found in this region.

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