Phu Chi Fa in the Chaing Rai Thailand Travel  

Phu Chi Fa Phu Chi Fa is located in Amphoe Thoeng in the Chaing Rai Province in Thailand. This mountain gained its name because of its pointed summit (Chi means point in Thai). You can drive the majority of the way to the top. However, if you want to reach the summit, you will have to get out of your car and walk.

Highlights Phu Chi Fa Thailand Travel

Phu Chi Fa: Phu Chi Fa is particularly popular with tourists wanting to see the sunrise. In the early morning the valley below is covered with a blanket of fog. As the sun rises, the fog slowly begins to burn off. When the fog lifts, you can see the Mae Khong River and deep into Laos.

Doi Pha Tang Thailand Travel

Doi Pha Tang: Doi Pha Tang is twenty-five kilometers from Phu Chi Fa. This cliff stands 1,635 meters above sea level. This is one of the better places to see the Mae Khong River and the lush forests of Laos.

How to Get There Phu Chi Fa Thailand Travel

From Chaing Rai, take Highway 1020 to Thoeng. Continue driving for sixty-three kilometer until you reach Highway 1115. Turn here and press on for twenty-one kilometers to Ban Pang Kha. At Ban Pang Kha, make your way twenty-four kilometers to your final deistination, Phu Chi Fa. The total distance from Chaing Rai is 108 kilometers.

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